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Jade Page 8
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Page 8
“Is that the only thing that will get you to come visit me?” Jade gave him a silly grin but her heart shook inside her. She wondered if he were going to let her go in order to be with Omano. Matt admitted he wasn’t good with money and Omano had plenty of that. “It so happens that I have an extra shed where we have old tools and machines that my grandfather left behind. I’ve been threatening to sell it all off to some junk dealer for years. We could have a truck haul that stuff away and clean it out for a shop for you.”
“Are you sure you want some crazy type like me messing with chemicals on your place? I’ll have to have a hose or two hooked up outside in case something catches fire. Does that scare you?”
“What scares me is never seeing you again. Uncle already keeps the weeds around the thing mowed. He’s afraid some kids will sneak on the place some time when we’re all gone and go in there to smoke and start a fire.”
“All right. Let’s see what I can do with it. I have a good sized check coming from my last project so I could probably get a used kiln out of that and still pay off my past bills. I think my mother would like to get rid of me. Her landlord is making noises about the rent going up and she’s looking around for a cheaper place to live. She’s even looking out in the smaller towns north of the Bay. I’d be glad to pay you rent for a room, and for the use of the shed. That way you’d see me a lot more.”
“What a great idea! Let’s explore that back at the room, over dinner.”
After they settled in for the night and Matt looked as relaxed as a well-fed cat, Jade decided to bring the future up, again. “I know this is where I would normally say that you don’t have to pay me rent for my guest room. You can just share my room.”
“But you think we don’t know each other well enough for that, right?”
“Right. Besides, I don’t want to rush you into anything. I honestly never felt I rushed anyone into anything with me but, maybe I just remember what I want to remember.”
“Don’t doubt yourself like that. If a guy isn’t sure about his feelings and he can’t say No, I think we should wait a while before we live together, then he’s a wimp or a user. Let’s just take it one step at a time. I care too much about you to hurt what we have by pushing you. In fact, I’m in love with you, but I don’t want to use that as a lever to get you to do what would be convenient or easy for me. We need some time to decide if we really fit. Besides, you may turn me down. I can pay you three-hundred and fifty dollars and still make my bills. Is that enough?”
“That’s too much. Other people around me are paying two fifty for a room in a house.”
“Good. If I pay what I offered maybe I can eat off of you, too. Of course, I plan to pay for the use of the shop, too.”
“No. You cleaning it up and fixing it up ought to cover that for a while.” While they talked about a time table for Matt to join her, she realized it was almost October. “If you need a short-term job you can join my crew. We go crazy with shipping orders in November. It’s not that we couldn’t use your help on regular Fridays but I can’t imagine you wasting your time when you’re an engineer, among other things.”
“I’ll probably join you for a couple of months. The holidays usually slow everybody in the project world to a crawl. I’ve got a project to finish in October and some deliveries to make, some money to collect, but I should be able to catch you a couple of times between now and November first.
“I hope so. It would be a long month without you.”
He pulled her close and kissed her several times before she pulled back at the sound of the knock on the door.
“Maybe we’d better have dinner before we forget it altogether.”
Matt sighed and nodded. “I’ll get it, but he can pick up the dishes in the morning.”
The next morning, when Jade woke up, the whole world looked different. Everything was brighter and anything seemed possible. Maybe she wasn’t going to lose Matt to Omano after all. He certainly didn’t sound like Omano was figuring in his plans except as a man who wanted a hot shop built for him. At breakfast she decided to try the subject again. “Did Rafael say when he wants you to start the hot shop, if I’m not being too nosy?”
“You can ask me anything you want to. He said he has some other plans to put into place before he lets me start. He hasn’t even decided, for sure, that he wants it set up down at Scottsdale. After I told him the summer was too hot for running one down there, he began to rethink a lot of things. He admitted he’s not as happy there as he thought he would be. He thought he would love the desert because it’s so dry and it was so wet where he grew up in India and Hong Kong. But, he misses the ocean breezes and the beaches and he hates scorpions. When he found out they have them there he was not too happy.”
“So he’s going to put it at Half Moon Bay or Vashon Island, I guess.”
“I asked him that but he shook his head. I don’t know what he has in mind but I’m sure he’s planning something. He never seems at a loss for what he wants. I haven’t known many rich people but if they’re all as decisive as he is, well, maybe that’s where they got all that money.” Matt looked like he was puzzled.
“I doubt it. My parents were wealthy. Dad probably still is, but they were never as sure of what they wanted as they pretended to be. I saw that for myself when I was in high school. They would carry on like crazy about something they wanted but, most of the time, when they got it they were disappointed.”
“But you’re like Rafael, aren’t you?”
Jade looked at him to see what he meant. “I do know what I want, if that’s what you mean. I can’t imagine not deciding what I want before I go after something and, while I’m at it, I figure I might as well decide what it will look like when I get there.”
“Are you ever disappointed?”
“I usually keep adjusting my actions to what I see happening so by the time I get close to the finish, I know I’m on the right track. If you’re asking if other people disappointed me, the answer is yes. I took people at their word and I’m kind of literal. I think that’s the mistake I made, especially with men. I don’t expect much of anything from anyone else any more. I just watch and wait to see what happens.”
“I must sound very unreliable to you with my complaints about having no money and trying to get jobs and satisfy people all over the place.”
“No. You sound like a salesman and most of the ones I’ve talked to are always scratching for orders and trying to please their customers. I cheat. I’m not willing to run all over the place to serve people. I sit in my office and people mail in orders using my catalog or they order over the phone or the Internet. Then we get the stuff and ship it to them. I guess I’m lazy and, as a result, I’m not rich.”
“But you have enough money.”
“Matt, either you don’t charge what you’re worth or you’re too generous to your friends or a lot of people owe you money, maybe all three.”
He leaned back and sighed. “You’re right. At least in two cases you’re right. I probably charge the going rate for my engineering work. If I charged more I wouldn’t have as many clients. Money’s tight and foreign engineers do a lot of free lancing for American companies.”
“Well, to answer your question, yes, I have enough money to do what I want but there’re a couple of reasons for that. First, I don’t have a taste for the luxuries other people seem to want. Second, I’m a tight wad who keeps track of every penny. Banks hate people like me. If they screw up, I tell them exactly what they did wrong and I expect them to have it corrected by the next statement. I’m a real pill.”
Matt chuckled and shook his head. “Only slobs and crooks would resent you for that, or, maybe they’re jealous. You’re just good. Come on. I’d better get you to the airport so you can get through the line in time.”
* * *
By the first of October, Jade missed Matt so much she had to watch her temper so she wouldn’t yell at her crew. Even so, she could see that they seemed to walk on eggs arou
nd her. That was something they had never done before. Matt called almost every night but she missed his touch so much she wanted to scream.
“Uh, Jade? I hate to disturb you but Henry Beekman’s wanting to see you. He’s out talking to Wolf. The poor guy looks like he’s lost his last friend and that his dog left him.”
Jade laughed and looked at Velma. “Velma, you don’t have to worry about disturbing me. We all work together. I’m sorry I’ve been such an old crab. Send my calls out to receiving if you need me.”
“Will do. You haven’t been crabby, Boss. You’ve just been, well, really sad and off on some cloud, except it looked like a big black one.”
“I just miss my guy and I’m being a big baby. Relax.”
When she walked through the hall to receiving she could see Henry helping Wolf to unload a truck full of boxes. “Did I hire you and forget to pay you, Henry?”
“Oh, uh, no, no, I just wanted to talk to Wolf so I thought I’d help him with this so he didn’t get into trouble. I hope you don’t mind.” Henry looked too dressed up to be working as a receiving agent.
Jade had to admit he was a handsome man. Too bad he’s not Matt. “Why should I mind? I’m getting work for free. Did you want to see me about something?”
Henry brushed his hands together and checked his black jeans for dust. He was amazingly clean. “I, uh, I thought I’d stop by to see how you’re doing. It’s been a long time since we talked. How are you?”
Wolf grinned and shook his head at Jade.
“Let’s go in my office and have a cup of coffee.”
After they were settled with their coffee mugs Jade gave Henry a curious look. He seemed to have trouble meeting her eyes. She couldn’t believe that he was actually more shy than he had been when they were dating. She sighed and cleared her throat. “What have you been doing since bad old Alfred went back to Texas, forever I hope?”
“Well, I built some more stuff. I’m getting ready for the Holiday Craft Fair.”
“The one in Eugene?”
He nodded and tried to smile.
“You know, I’ve never seen the stuff you build. By the way, have you ever tried carving animals?”
He shook his head. “I’m not artistic enough to do stuff like that. I just make furniture. You know, tables, chairs, stuff like that. I’d be glad to show you. Al won’t be around to bother you.”
Jade realized she was about to get pulled into something she did not want to do. She coughed to cover her loss for words. “Uh, that’s nice of you but I’m awful busy right now, getting ready for the holidays and all. Look, Henry, I’m involved with somebody and we’re pretty serious. I hate to see you wasting your time on me when there are lots of beautiful young women who would love to go out with you.”
“Like who?”
“Uh, well, I’m a little out of touch around here, but, well, what about Alice?”
“Have you forgotten that you’re the one who helped me let her down easy?”
“Uh, yes, I guess I did.” Too bad Alice hadn’t taken it very well at all. Instead of being mad at Henry, she now hated Jade. That had not been a good time.
By Saturday night, Jade was ready to jump out of her skin when Matt called her back.
“Hey, love. I’m sorry I couldn’t get to the phone when you called. I was fighting with my fax machine at the time.”
“All I care is that I can hear your voice. I’m becoming a basket case. I miss you so much I’m ready to kill something. That sounds pathetic, but—“
“No. It sounds sexy and exciting and I feel the same way. The trouble is, I’ve got to get this project done so I can get the money I need. I’m ahead of schedule but I want to get this done so it’s out of our way and I can move up there. Believe me, I’m working on this sixteen hours a day and I should be done in another week. I would send you a plane ticket but I’d rather get this out of my hair so I can devote my attention to you, exclusively.”
“Would I be welcome if I came next Saturday night? I’d be glad to help you put the package together or fix dinner for you. I promise I won’t complain if you haven’t time to spend on me. I can read a book. I just want to be near you for a while. Good grief, get a grip, Jade. Maybe I’ll just go take a bubble bath and read one of uncle’s porn novels.”
“If you’ll fly down here next Saturday you’ll have my attention. And, if I’m not done yet, I’ll finish the next day, after we make love. Okay?”
“You have a deal.”
They talked about how much they missed each other until Jade broke it off before she really did start screaming.
In her bubble bath she read halfway through one of her uncle’s collection of cowboy paperbacks before she decided that her uncle’s idea of pornography was pretty tame compared to what women romance writers wrote. She ended up laughing at the sexy scenes more than being stimulated. The hero was so macho and the damsel so naive and dazzled that Jade couldn’t believe it.
She could feel her mind wander off to thoughts of Matt while she had breakfast the next morning.
“Okay, what’s up, girl? You look as mad as a wet skunk.”
“That bad, huh? I’m not mad, or maybe I’m just mad at me. I told myself I wasn’t going to get all hung up on a guy again. The next time I dated somebody I was going to play it very cool.”
“Oh, hogwash! That’s for cowards and dried up old spinsters. You and Matt have a fight?”
“Cedric, don’t embarrass the girl.” Tilly gave him a disgusted look.
“No, Uncle. We didn’t have a fight. I just miss him so and it’ll be another week before I’ll see him.”
“Well, that sounds more like it. So he’s coming here?”
“No. I’m going there. He’s been working night and day to get this project done and he said he’ll take a break when I get there, if he isn’t quite done yet.”
“It’s too bad he travels so much. This isn’t much of a romance for you.” Cedric looked worried, sad.
“He’s planning a visit, here, before the end of the month and then he’s going to join us as a renter, in November, if everything works out. I hope you two don’t mind.”
“Land sakes, Jade, this is your house. But I’d better get that guest room ready if he wants to use it.”
“I’m sure it’s perfect, Tilly. You’re a wonderful housekeeper. I’ll take a look in the closet and see if any of my old stuff is in there. By the way, Uncle, he wants to clean out the shed out back and fix it up for a shop. He wants to work on a new project there. Do we have two hose connections nearby? You know, in case of fire?”
“For somebody you haven’t known long he’s certainly moving right in.”
“Would you make up your mind, you old Butinsky? First you want him visiting her more and then you complain when he plans to come here.” Tilly stood up to pour more apple cider for everyone and then turned to glare at Cedric.
“Well, visiting is one thing but—“
“Relax, both of you. Like I said, he’ll be paying rent. And I told him I’d like that shop fixed up and used. Tilly, he’s easy to please when it comes to cooking. Don’t make anything special for him. He’s paying for that, too.” Jade turned to look at her uncle. “Happy, now?”
Cedric looked sheepish, turned his head from side to side and nodded.
After breakfast Jade decided to wander around the place with her camera. She got a shot of old Ebenezer snoozing against a tree in his pasture. She caught Beulah and Barney nibbling at tender shoots of wild rice by the edge of the pond. The geese startled when Glory came running up to Jade for a pet and then returned to their feeding.
“Okay, girl, sit there nice and regal and let me get this. No, no. Stay! That’s it. That’s the girl. Okay, where’s old Slick? He’s usually napping on that rock over there.” Jade looked around for the saucy black tomcat but saw no sign of him.
Just then, Glory gave a low bark and whined while she looked over at the far edge of Ebenezer’s little pas
ture. A lovely doe and her almost grown offspring were walking along a hedge of spent lilacs, the dappled sunlight gleaming off their tawny coats.
“Easy, Glory. Don’t spook them.” Jade whispered to the alert dog while she tried to get her camera lined up just right. One second after she snapped the picture they were startled by a flight of quail and took off over the fence. “Perfect! Thank you, Lord! They are so beautiful.”
She pulled a bright red apple off her favorite old tree and headed back to the house. Now that she and Matt had made some plans, perhaps she could get back to her books on woodcarving. She had Robinson’s carving proudly displayed on the mantel in the living room. Jade could not seem to pass it without touching it. She had always loved woodcarvings but she had not considered trying to carve one herself, until now. Omano’s remark about her finding out what she wanted to create had made her lose some sleep. She couldn’t forget it. It felt as if maybe that was what was missing out of her life. She envied Matt and Delta and John Robinson for their talents.
What was wrong with learning how to carve herself? Had she gone to seed so badly she couldn’t learn something new? “Not if I can help it. I’m in a rut. It’s time I looked for a class. I can’t learn it all from books.”
On an impulse she decided to give Henry a call. “Henry? It’s Jade. No, nothing’s wrong. I thought I’d stop by and take you up on your offer to show me the furniture you made. I’d like to take a look at your tools, too. I’m thinking of trying some woodcarving. Okay. I’ll see you in a bit.”
When she got to Winks’ ranch, she found Henry in an old shop by the tack room. “I’m in here, Jade. I’m sure glad you called. This old place gets pretty boring on a Sunday afternoon, especially after the calves have been sold. What would you like to see first?” Henry looked older and more attractive, somehow. Jade decided it was the jeans with sawdust on them and the old weathered plaid jacket. She had never seen him looking so rugged before, so in his element.